Friday, August 26, 2011

Proper Interpretation of Scripture

Hello Lay Pastor Leaders and Interns:

Please view the great teaching article through the link below.  This website is where professors from Talbot School of Theology posts great articles.  I found out about this website through Dr. Gary Manning (former professor at Pac Rim Christian College), who is now a professor there.

Dr. Walt Russell's article below demonstrates what we have discussed in the area of proper exegesis (interpretation) of Scripture.  I chose this article because I love that it deals with a passage that many pastors/teachers/us Christians - have misused.

Cut/copy/paste this link:
Enjoy and let's continue to grow as good stewards of properly studying, interpreting and teaching the Word of God... He and His Word, are worthy of our very best!

love you all - from Belton, MO.,


  1. I have heard, seen, and even used this interpretation of "eidos" myself. I am thankful for this clarification and do feel freer.

    I heard Pastor Rick Warren talk about how we as Christians need to be like fish of the ocean (I like Ahi myself). An Ahi will spend it's entire life in the ocean, once we are ready to cook it, we add SALT to it. How is it that a fish spends it's entire life in salt water but is not salty. God created the fish to be insulated from its surrounding. Just as God wants us to be insulated from our surroundings. We must be in the world but not of the world.

    Thanks for the post Pastor Rod!

  2. this is really sharpening to me. I am convicted to be a little more disciplined in my observations in my devotions, to add a little more academic study of the scripture to understand it, before making decisions on how to apply it to my life.
